It's all about the environment - NeXus Developer Stories 26

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  • It's all about the environment - NeXus Developer Stories 26
  • December 30, 2024

Born and raised in Guyana, Christopher Clarke, was afforded a few years in a different environment during which time he has worked with giants like Microsoft and Amazon, completed his PhD at the University of Michigan, specializing Human-AI Interaction and Personalized AI Models and made a name for himself with several top-tier academic publications.

Beyond his remarkable accomplishments, what truly inspires me is Chris’s unwavering passion to give back and develop Guyana’s tech ecosystem. In this excerpt from our hour-long conversation, Chris and I delved into the challenges we face, despite our naturally occurring talent, we still lack the environment to truly activate and retain it. It’s not just about upskilling individuals; it’s about creating the ecosystem where they’re encouraged and incentivized to innovate solutions tailored to our unique culture and needs…

Chris believes that our people need homegrown solutions developed from a local perspective and with the right investment, focus and internal belief, we can build an ecosystem that not only retains our talent but allows it to flourish.

Stay tuned for more chapters from our conversation.
